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An individual online session of 1 hour allows you to sort, deepen and clarify the topics you want.  Read in detail

Le travail comprend une session d'1h via Zoom et un suivi par messages audios, quelques jours après.

Mon approche est axée sur la traduction de vos mécanismes inconscients. De manière simple et stratégique, pour des résultats sur le long terme.

Je m'adapte à 100% à vos besoins.

A session in a nutshell

Depending on the subject you ask at the beginning of the session, I will go ​ to reveal and update the information necessary for the resolution of various problems that you encounter.
-> Whether it is in you (emotional, mental, physical etc..)
->or in the way things are going in your life.
I work mainly at the root level of the functioning (unconscious) systems in different planes.

For example, we can connect and advance past events that still generate behavior, pain, limitations today, or we can draw information at the transgenerational level.

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​ So I work on the different layers that make you up.​

A session is an update of yourself, we translate what feeds you and what no longer serves you. 

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A consultation creates a space for you to emanate and live the person you want to be today: In terms of your ideas, your desires, your impulses, your actions, your emotions...



An energy rebalancing is systematically done during our collaboration.

“By going directly to work on the unconscious, energetic or emotional structures underlying the problem, Pauline really allows you to go to work on the essentials and thus to glimpse deep and lasting changes. »
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